Friday 29 June 2007

Oh my word....

Today it took 5 hours to get home from Reading. Sadly this was due to someone jumping in front of a train. The resulting chaos was just mad.... every train going west from London and Reading was late or just cancelled.

It turned out that a mate of mine was on the train that ran over the person on the line. His journey was even worse than mine.

The good thing was that 3 of us managed to meet up on the way home and I gave them a lift at the end - ordered a curry and we were on our way home to eat it and we came across a bloke who'd fallen of his bike. He was by his own admission "very pissed" but not an unpleasant drunk. Anyway, we sorted him out and got him into the ambulance and finally got back home to eat curry about 10pm.

So here are the stats:

Train on way to work - 1/2hr late.
Train on way home - 1 1/2 hours late following 2 prior cancellations.

Saw some of the usual commuting crowd and had a bit of a laugh with them...

I've met a new person on the train by the way. I have yet to assign a name to him but he seems like a decent fellow although he does have an unusal knowledge of the highways and byways of the UK which seem to get him from A to B very quickly indeed. More of this later.. I think there could be a rich vein of humour..

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