A friend of mine (Hitchmo) said that with the number of politicians I meet, I should consider these incidents as more than chance and that perhaps I am meant to be in politics.
Happy never to have met a labour MP as I would probably have to wash my hands with bleach.
Jack Straw does take our train every now and again. Mind you, while he may not be able to give you a kicking, his mean looking bodyguards certainly could. Maybe a travel sized container of bleach is in order?
Awww, don't 'dis' Paddy. He has a lot more about him than some of his contemporaries. I don't necessarily agree with his views but they are a certainly a lot more palatable than Conservative right wing nonsense...
(ducks in a anticipation)
ha!! Just imagining Al's response there... xx
Yeah....i know....just waiting....LOL. He's gonna Jack Bauer me!!
YOu mis-judge me... You are welcome to your opinion about Paddy - and in fact I am rather impressed with him and the way in which he conducts himself - which is in distinct contrast to what many politicians do today.....
He's still a liberal though... ;-)
Train Fellow - I heard a Lib Dem on R4 today and had to laugh out loud...it was a lesson in how to answer your question by pleasing everyone and no-one!!!
Long live politics...
Jack Straw apparently* said something along the lines of 'someone from FGW ought to be flogged' whilst he was waiting for a delayed train a couple of weeks back.
*making it clear this is complete hearsay should lawyers be watching
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