Now you may think that I would be well used to transport being late. In this country we really take the concept of "late" to a new level. In fact we are so often late (for work, social engagements etc) that people are suprised if you show up on time and very often aren't ready for you.
Anyway, check this out for a new excuse.. "Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Captain Jeff speaking. Sorry about the delay this morning. This was due to ground staff in Glasgow taking a long time to defrost the plane"....

I defy FGW to try that one. In the end I got to my meeting 16 minutes late - but that was only because I had allowed an hour to get from the airport to the office which I knew was a long time.
Can't rely on anyone these days.
Silly picture of Glagow airside from my window.
Can you imagine how concerning it would be to see the cabin crew out of the window with cans of de-icer spray and scrapers...
Eurostar just fantastic, ok it was about 15 minutes late leaving London, because of a fatality at Brixton - not much the train companies can do about that and I don't think we charge the family for dealing with the aftermath as I understand some countries do. Coming back the train pulled out of Paris spot on time and pulled into the magnificent St Pancras 2hours 15 mins later, no more planes to Europe I am convert! Visaman
Classic. Defrost? What airline was it, Birdseye Walls?!? xx
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