I humiliated myself properly this morning.
I decided to take the 4x4 to the station on account of all the rain and the forecast floods, disaster and general pestilence. This car doesn't go as fast and I left late to get to the station.
Also, in my haste, I managed to overshoot one of my turnings thus delaying myself further.
The praying that was going on was only punctuated by the screeching tyres as I took another corner a bit quick in order to get to the station - Sarah Kennedy (Radio 2) informed me that it was 7.13am already. My train departs at 7.12 so I thought I'd had it....
So you can imagine my suprise when I screamed in to the station car park and saw the train still there...!
I parked badly, grabbed my bags and ran like the wind. And then the car wouldn't lock properly so I had to go back. And then run again.. As I made it on to the platform, unbelievably, the train was still there! Up the steps I went, running as if through water shouting the immortal words at the top of my voice "wait for me! Wait for me". And he did.
I saw the highly efficient, much respected and frankly wonderful train manager. He looked at his watch, then at me with his finger hovering over the "LOCK ALL DOORS" button. I ran towards him and said as I approached:
"You are a beautiful man".
He smiled and let me on. And we left on time (according to his watch).
Managed to leave my phone in the car and didn't get a car park ticket either... Ooops.